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Forty Years of Controversy Dwyer, T. Ryle

ISBN: 9781856354264

Over the last number of decades, Charles J. Haughey has been involved in major political scandals of Watergate proportions: the Arms Crisis, the telephone tapping scandal, the Beef Tribunal, the Ben Dunne payments, tax evasion, the Terry Keane revelations, the Moriarty Tribunal and the McCracken Tribunal, to name a few.

In this up-to-date record of Haughey's controversial career, T. Ryle Dwyer delivers his conclusions on the Haughey Years.

Lively, succinct, opinionated, drawing extensively on in depth research, Forty Years of Controversy is the indispensable handbook for anyone intrigued by Ireland's most inscrutable politicians.

T. Ryle Dwyer was educated in Tralee CBS and at the University of North Texas, USA, where he received BA, MA and PhD degrees in history. He is a regular columnist with the Irish Examiner and has published eighteen books on different aspects of twentieth-century Irish history, including a highly-acclaimed biography of Charles J. Haughey, Short Fellow.

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  • Forty Years of Controversy