McGoff McCann, Michelle  

Melancholy Madness (A Coroners Casebook)


Uncover the untold stories of murder and mystery in 19th-century Monaghan, Ireland, through a newly discovered casebook. From the tragic deaths of Oscar Wilde’s illegitimate half-sisters to the legend of the sleepwalking nun found drowned in a convent lake, this book unveils shocking tales never before revealed. Explore the dark history of Monaghan’s drumlins, valleys, and towns in this captivating true crime anthology.

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Bizarre tales of murder and investigation in the drumlins, valleys and towns of Monaghan in the nineteenth century, based upon a casebook just recently discovered that has never been lodged in any archive anywhere. This is NEW information and highlights such cases as: The Illigitimate Half-Sisters Of Oscar Wilde - Emily and Mary Wilde died tragically at Drumaconner House while dancing by the fire - their deaths are kept quiet so as not to shame Sir William Wilde. The Legend Of The Sleepwalking Nun - Sister Mary Keogh is discovered drowned in the Convent lake near the Crannog - to this day, local legend tells the story of her death.