Ó Tuairisc, Eoghan
Classic Irish language book.
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Baineann an sceal seo le Contae Mhaigh Eo sa bhliain 1798, bliain na bhFrancach, nuair a thainig arm Francach faoin Ghinearal Humbert i dtor i gCill Ala. Bhuaigh an leabhar seo na praomh duaiseanna liteartha, ina measc Bonn an Chraoibhon.
L'Attaque is a classic Irish language book and recounts the part played by a small group of United Irishmen from County Leitrim in the military revolt which was sparked by the landing of French General Humbert in Killala, County Mayo, in 1798.
Through the character of Mairtin, O'Tuairisc's novel brilliantly charts the effect of revolutionary fighting on peasant life, the conflicting ideals of the comrades-at-arms and the disorganisation that afflicts their army.
ISBN 9780853425458
About the authors
Eoghan Ó Tuairisc was born in Ballinasloe, County Galway, in 1919. He was a renowned poet, novelist and playwright in Irish and English and a linguistic innovator, influenced by wide reading in several European languages. The Road to Bright City, a collection of translations of the stories of Má¡rtín O'Cadhain, was his last published work. He died in 1982.