Loughrey, Eithne  

Annie Moore: New York City Girl


This third book in the trilogy telling of Annies new life in America.

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The fifteen-year-old who was the very first immigrant of any nationality to land at the famous handling station at Ellis Island, New York, has now become a young woman of twenty. 

Annie returns to New York and her family and friends after her two-year stay in the Wild West. She is excited by all the opportunities New York has to offer her, but especially by the prospect of spending more time with Mike Tierney, the young man she loves.

About The Author

Eithne Loughrey has a background in speech and drama teaching, features writing and copy-editing. She worked as a features writer with the Irish Independent until 1995. While researching something else she came across the story of Cork-born Annie Moore, the very first emigrant to be processed at the newly-opened immigrant station at New York in 1891. A sculpture of Annie has been erected at Cobh in County Cork and in the museum on Ellis Island. Eithne became fascinated by Annie Moores story and determined to write a book about her. Because little is known about Annies subsequent life in the United States, Eithne wrote this book as fiction which developed into a trilogy. Eithne is married with a grown-up family and lives in Dublin